Computational Intelligence for Software Engineering Lab

Our research focuses on the exciting intersection between software engineering and machine intelligence. We try to improve developer productivity with optimisation and automation. COINSE has world-leading expertise in automated debugging, automated testing, and testing of DNN models.

Recent Updates

Flaky Symptoms at ICSME 2024

Our paper about detecting flaky test executions will appear at ICSME 2024. [more...]

Dr. Kang's Birthday Present

Sungmin Kang successfully defends his PhD thesis on his birthday. [more...]

Is it you, Dr. Gabin An?

Gabin An successfully defends her PhD thesis, the fourth from COINSE. [more...]

ICST 2024 MBFL Paper about MUSE received Most Influential Paper Award at ICST 2024

Shin Yoo received ICST 2024 Most Influential Paper Award for the collaboration with Prof. Moonzoo Kim at KAIST back in 2014. [more...]

Our paper "A Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of LLM-based Explainable Fault Localization" has been accepted to FSE 2024

Our paper about using LLMs to automatically locate which part of the code is responsible for a bug was accepted to FSE'24. [more...]

Our paper "Intent-Driven Mobile GUI Testing with Autonomous Large Language Model Agents" has been accepted to ICST 2024

Our paper proposing an LLM-based autonomous agent for GUI testing was accepted to ICST 2024. [more...]