The paper published back in 2014 at the 7th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification \& Validation, has been awarded IEEE TCSE Most Influential Award at ICST 2024. This was a collaboration between SWTV group at KAIST and Shin Yoo, who was still in UCL bacn in 2014. The paper is titled: “Ask the Mutant: Mutating Faulty Programs for Fault Localization”.

MUSE, the technique introduced in the paper, exploits the fact that mutating non-faulty areas of a program that is already faulty will break further tests, whereas mutating exactly the faulty location of the program may result in partial fixes.

Seokhyeon Moon, Yunho Kim, Shin Yoo, along with ICST 2024 Program Chairs, Greg Gaye and Shiva Nejati

This work led to many other fault localization research, in particular the effort to make mutation-based fault localization ([ISSRE 2021]{}, IST 2023) as well as mutation analysis itself more efficient (TOSEM 2022).