AutoSD accepted at EMSE
Automated Scientific Debugging research accepted into EMSE. [more...] -
ICSME 2024 Best Indistry Paper Award
COINSE/SAP collaboration wins Best Industry Paper award at ICSME 2024. [more...] -
Flaky Symptoms at ICSME 2024
Our paper about detecting flaky test executions will appear at ICSME 2024. [more...] -
Dr. Kang's Birthday Present
Sungmin Kang successfully defends his PhD thesis on his birthday. [more...] -
Is it you, Dr. Gabin An?
Gabin An successfully defends her PhD thesis, the fourth from COINSE. [more...] -
ICST 2024 MBFL Paper about MUSE received Most Influential Paper Award at ICST 2024
Shin Yoo received ICST 2024 Most Influential Paper Award for the collaboration with Prof. Moonzoo Kim at KAIST back in 2014. [more...] -
Our paper "A Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of LLM-based Explainable Fault Localization" has been accepted to FSE 2024
Our paper about using LLMs to automatically locate which part of the code is responsible for a bug was accepted to FSE'24. [more...] -
Our paper "Intent-Driven Mobile GUI Testing with Autonomous Large Language Model Agents" has been accepted to ICST 2024
Our paper proposing an LLM-based autonomous agent for GUI testing was accepted to ICST 2024. [more...] -
Our paper "A Bayesian Framework for Automated Debugging" has been accepted to ISSTA 2023
Our paper proposing a Bayesian framework to understand automated debugging techniques was accepted to ISSTA'23. [more...] -
Our paper "Fonte: Finding Bug Inducing Commits from Failures" has been accepted at ICSE 2023
This paper is about finding bug-inducing commits by combining fault localisation and commit history mining. [more...] -
Our paper "Large Language Models are Few-shot Testers: Exploring LLM-based General Bug Reproduction" has been accepted to ICSE 2023
Our paper about generating bug-reproducing tests from bug reports was accepted to ICSE'23. [more...] -
Congratulations, Dr. Jinhan Kim!
Jinhan Kim successfully defended his PhD - the third to do so from COINSE. [more...] -
Our new paper "FDG: A Precise Measurement of Fault Diagnosability Gain of Test Cases" is accepted at ISSTA 2022
A COINSE paper about fault diagnosability gain has been accepted at ISSTA 2022. [more...] -
Congratulations, Dr. Seongmin Lee!
Seongmin Lee successfully defended his PhD thesis, the second from from COINSE group. [more...] -
A new paper about automatically augmenting equivalent mutant dataset has been accepted at MUTATION 2022
We present an automated technique to augment equivalent mutant dataset. [more...] -
Our new paper "Automatically Identifying Shared Root Causes of Test Breakages in SAP HANA" is accepted to ICSE-SEIP 2022
We present a technique for identifying shared root causes of test breakages by combining multiple information sources associated with the failing tests. [more...] -
Our paper "Predictive Mutation Analysis via Natural Language Channel in Source Code" is accepted to TOSEM
This paper aims to predict a full kill matrix resulted from mutation analysis by leveraging Natural Language channel in source and test code. [more...] -
A new paper about GUI smoke test repairing technique has been accepted at ICST 2022 Industry Track
We present a new repair technique for View Identification Failures (VIF) in GUI tests from a collaboration work between COINSE and Samsung Research. [more...] -
One paper introducing a new Mutation-Based Fault Localisation technique has been accepted to ISSRE 2021 Research Track
We introduce a new MBFL technique called SIMFL that leverages a statistical inference over a mutation analysis that has been taken before the faults are observed. [more...] -
A new paper has been published in the Journal of Systems and Software.
A COINSE paper about observation-based dependence analysis has been accepted at the Journal of Systems and Software. [more...] -
A new paper about Bug Inducing Commit accepted at ESEC/FSE IVR 2021
A COINSE paper about reducing the search space of Bug Inducing Commit (BIC) has been accepted at the Ideas, Visions and Reflections (IVR) track of ESEC/FSE 2021. [more...] -
Congratulations, Dr. Jeongju Sohn!
Jeongju Sohn successfully defended her PhD thesis, and became the first PhD from COINSE group. [more...] -
New Preprint about Hyundai Motors Collaboration
A new arXiv preprint about the collaboration between COINSE, Chalmers, and Hyundai Motors Company is available. [more...] -
Three new ICSE 2020 workshop papers from COINSE
Three new papers have been accepted into collocated workshops at ICSE 2020. [more...] -
Doctoral Symposium Presentations from COINSE members at ICSE 2020
Two PhD candidates from COINSE will be presenting their research at the doctoral symposium at ICSE 2020. [more...] -
NAVER PhD Fellowship Awards 2019
Jeongju Sohn and Jinhan Kim, both PhD candidates at COINSE, were awarded NAVER PhD Fellowship Award. [more...] -
COINSE is looking for MSc Students for Spring 2020
We are recruiting highly motivated MSc students out of those who got admitted into MSc programme starting from Spring 2020. [more...] -
Paper accepted at JSS
A COINSE paper has been accepted at Journal of Systems and Software. [more...] -
PyGGI 2.0 Released at ESEC/FSE 2019
Versin 2.0 of PyGGI (Pyton General Framework for Genetic Improvement) has been announced during tool demo at ESEC/FSE 2019. [more...] -
Paper accepted at IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
An extension of ISSTA 2017 paper has been accepted at IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE). [more...] -
SCAM 2019: Modeling Observation-based Approximate Dependence
A COINSE paper about modelling approximate program dependence has been accepted at SCAM 2019. [more...] -
GECCO 2019: Ensemble Model for Fault Localisation (EMF) accepted
A COINSE paper about ensemble model for fault localisation has been accepted at GECCO 2019. [more...] -
Human competitiveness of GP
The human competitiveness of Genetic Programming for Spectrum Based Fault Localisation [more...] -
GECCO 2017
A new GECCO paper from COINSE. [more...] -
URP Grand Prix
COINSE URP Projects won the 2016 Winter/Spring Best Project Award. [more...] -
First batch of papers from COINSE
A couple of papers by students have been accepted. [more...] -
Observational Slicing based on Visual Semantics
An article has been accepted by Journal of Systems and Software. [more...] -
Diversity Aware Mutation Adequacy Criterion
Mutation 2016 Paper Accepted [more...] -
COINSE presents a Slack menubot for KAIST. [more...]
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