Congratulations, Dr. Jinhan Kim!
Jinhan Kim has successfully defended his thesis, titled “Exploiting Mutant’s Relationship with Code, Faults, and Patches for Higher Efficacy of Mutation Analysis”. Congratulations!!
Dr. Kim joined COINSE in 2017, initially as a master students and then as a PhD candidate in a combined MSc-PhD programme. He has most famously worked on Surprise Adequacy (Kim et al., ICSE 2019 as well as Kim et al., TOSEM 2023) but later turned his attention to mutation analysis. His notable mutation research outcomes include a new type of Mutation Based Fault Localisation, SIMFL and predictive mutation analysis technique based on the natural langauge channel in the source code, Seshat.
Dr. Kim plans to join Prof. Paolo Tonella’s group at USI as a postroctoral researcher.