Juyeon Yoon
PhD Candidate
School of Computing
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
291 Daehak Ro, Yuseong Gu
Daejeon 34141
Republic of Korea
Personal Webpage Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar
PhD., Computer Science, KAIST Mar. 2022 - Present
MSc., Computer Science, KAIST Mar. 2020 - Feb. 2022
BSc., Computer Science, KAIST Mar. 2014 - Feb. 2020
*: equal contribution
- Kang, S.*, Yoon, J.*, and Yoo, S., Large Language Models are Few-shot Testers: Exploring LLM-based General Bug Reproduction. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2023) [pdf (preprint)]
- An, G.*, Yoon, J.*, Sohn, J., Hong, J., Hwang, D. and Yoo, S., Automatically Identifying Shared Root Causes of Test Breakages in SAP HANA2. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-SEIP 2022) [pdf]
- Yoon, J., Chung, S., Shin, K., Kim, J., Hong, S., and Yoo, S., Repairing Fragile GUI Test Cases Using Word and Layout Embedding. International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (Industry Track, ICST 2022) [pdf]
- Yoon, J., and Yoo, S., Enhancing Lexical Representation of Test Coverage for Failure Clustering. International Workshop on Software Engineering Automation: A Natural Language Prospective. (NLP-SEA 2021) [pdf]
- An, G., Yoon, J., and Yoo, S., Searching for Multi-Fault Programs in Defects4J. International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering. (Challenge Track, SSBSE 2021) [pdf]
- Lee, J., Jung, C., Park, Y.H., Lee, D., Yoon, J. and Yoo, S., Preliminary Evaluation of SWAY in Permutation Decision Space via a Novel Euclidean Embedding. International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering. (SSBSE 2021) [pdf]
- An, G., Yoon, J., Whang, J.J., and Yoo, S., Improving Test Distance for Failure Clustering with Hypergraph Modelling. arXiv. [pdf]
- Cho, E.*, Yoon, J.*, Back, D., Lee, D., and Bae, D., DNN Model Deployment on Distributed Edges. International Workshop on Big data driven Edge Cloud Services. (BECS 2021) [pdf]
Research Intern, COINSE Lab, KAIST Sep. 2019 - Dec. 2019
Research Intern, Systems Intelligence Lab, KAIST Mar. 2019 - Sep. 2019
Web Developer, Artifriends Inc., Seongnam Jun. 2017 - Dec. 2018
Research Intern, Networking & Mobile Systems Lab, KAIST Mar. 2017 - Jul. 2017