Source code for pyggi.patch

This module contains Patch class.
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from .program import Program, GranularityLevel
from .atomic_operator import AtomicOperator
from .custom_operator import CustomOperator
from .test_result import TestResult

[docs]class Patch: """ Patch is a sequence of edit operators: both atomic and custom. During search iteration, PYGGI modifies the source code of the target program by applying a candidate patch. Subsequently, it runs the test script to collect dynamic information, such as the execution time or any other user-provided properties, via the predefined format that PYGGI recognises. """ def __init__(self, program): self.program = program self.test_result = None self.edit_list = [] def __str__(self): return ' | '.join(list(map(str, self.edit_list))) def __len__(self): return len(self.edit_list) def __eq__(self, other): return self.edit_list == other.edit_list
[docs] def clone(self): """ Create a new patch which has the same sequence of edits with the current one. :return: The created Patch :rtype: :py:class:`.Patch` """ clone_patch = Patch(self.program) clone_patch.edit_list = deepcopy(self.edit_list) clone_patch.test_result = None return clone_patch
@property def diff(self) -> str: """ Compare the source codes of original program and the patch-applied program using *difflib* module( :return: The file comparison result :rtype: str """ import difflib self.apply() diffs = '' for i in range(len(self.program.target_files)): original_target_file = os.path.join(self.program.path, self.program.target_files[i]) modified_target_file = os.path.join(self.program.tmp_path, self.program.target_files[i]) with open(original_target_file) as orig, open( modified_target_file) as modi: for diff in difflib.context_diff( orig.readlines(), modi.readlines(), fromfile=original_target_file, tofile=modified_target_file): diffs += diff return diffs
[docs] def run_test(self, timeout=15, result_parser=TestResult.pyggi_result_parser): """ Run the test script provided by the user which is placed within the project directory. :param float timeout: The time limit of test run (unit: seconds) :param result_parser: The parser of test output (default: :py:meth:`.TestResult.pyggi_result_parser`) :type result_parser: None or callable((str, str), :py:class:`.TestResult`) :return: The parsed output of test script execution :rtype: :py:class:`.TestResult` """ import time import subprocess import shlex self.apply() cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.program.tmp_path) sprocess = subprocess.Popen( shlex.split(self.program.test_command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) try: start = time.time() stdout, stderr = sprocess.communicate(timeout=timeout) elapsed_time = time.time() - start self.test_result = result_parser(stdout.decode("ascii"), stderr.decode("ascii")) self.test_result.elapsed_time = elapsed_time except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: elapsed_time = timeout * 1000 # seconds to milliseconds self.test_result = TestResult(False, custom=None, elapsed_time=elapsed_time) os.chdir(cwd) return self.test_result
[docs] def add(self, edit): """ Add an edit to the edit list :param edit: The edit to be added :type edit: :py:class:`.atomic_operator.AtomicOperator` or :py:class:`.custom_operator.CustomOperator` :return: None """ assert isinstance(edit, (AtomicOperator, CustomOperator)) assert edit.is_valid_for(self.program) self.edit_list.append(edit)
[docs] def remove(self, index: int): """ Remove an edit from the edit list :param int index: The index of edit to delete """ del self.edit_list[index]
[docs] def get_atomics(self, atomic_class_name=None): """ Combine all the atomic operators of the edits. A custom operator is originally a sequence of atomic operators, and a patch is a sequence of the edits. So this is a sort of flattening process. :return: The atomic operators, see *Hint*. :rtype: list(:py:class:`.atomic_operator.AtomicOperator`) """ atomics = [] for edit in self.edit_list: for atomic in edit.atomic_operators: if not atomic_class_name or atomic_class_name == atomic.__class__.__name__: atomics.append(atomic) return atomics
[docs] def apply(self): """ This method applies the patch to the target program. It does not directly modify the source code of the original program, but modifies the copied program within the temporary directory. :return: The contents of the patch-applied program, See *Hint*. :rtype: dict(str, list(str)) .. hint:: - key: The target file name(path) related to the program root path - value: The contents of the file """ assert isinstance(self.program.granularity_level, GranularityLevel) target_files = self.program.contents.keys() modification_points = deepcopy(self.program.modification_points) new_contents = deepcopy(self.program.contents) for target_file in target_files: atomics = list(filter(lambda a: a.modification_point[0] == target_file, self.get_atomics())) for atomic in atomics: atomic.apply(self.program, new_contents, modification_points) #self.program.reset_tmp_dir() for target_file in new_contents: with open(os.path.join(self.program.tmp_path, target_file), 'w') as tmp_file: tmp_file.write(Program.to_source(self.program.granularity_level, new_contents[target_file])) return new_contents