Source code for pyggi.algorithms


This module contains meta-heuristic search algorithms.

import time
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from .patch import Patch
from .test_result import TestResult

[docs]class LocalSearch(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Local Search (Abstact Class) All children classes need to override * :py:meth:`get_neighbour` * :py:meth:`get_fitness` .. hint:: Example of LocalSearch class. :: from pyggi import Program, Patch, GranularityLevel from pyggi.algorithms import LocalSearch from pyggi.atomic_operator import LineReplacement, LineInsertion from pyggi.custom_operator import LineDeletion program = Program("<PROGRAM_ROOT_PATH>", GranularityLevel.LINE) class MyLocalSearch(LocalSearch): def get_neighbour(self, patch): import random if len(patch) > 0 and random.random() < 0.5: patch.remove(random.randrange(0, len(patch))) else: edit_operator = random.choice([LineDeletion, LineInsertion, LineReplacement]) patch.add(edit_operator.random(program)) return patch def get_fitness(self, patch): return float(patch.test_result.custom['runtime']) def is_valid_patch(self, patch): return patch.test_result.compiled and patch.test_result.custom['pass_all'] == 'true' def stopping_criterion(self, iter, patch): return float(patch.test_result.custom['runtime']) < 100 local_search = MyLocalSearch(program) results =, epoch=3, max_iter=100, timeout=15) """ def __init__(self, program): """ :param program: The Program instance to optimize. :type program: :py:class:`.Program` """ self.program = program self.best_fitness = None
[docs] def is_valid_patch(self, patch): """ :param patch: The Patch instance whose validity should be checked. :type patch: :py:class:`.Patch` :return: The validity of the patch :rtype: bool """ return patch.test_result.compiled
[docs] def is_better_than_the_best(self, fitness, best_fitness): """ :param fitness: The fitness value of the current patch :param best_fitness: The best fitness value ever in the current epoch :return: If the current fitness are better than the best one, return True. False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return fitness <= best_fitness
[docs] def stopping_criterion(self, iter, patch): """ :param int iter: The current iteration number in the epoch :param patch: The patch visited in the current iteration :type patch: :py:class:`.Patch` :return: If the satisfying patch is found or the budget is out of run, return True to stop the current epoch. False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return False
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_neighbour(self, patch): """ :param patch: The patch that the search is visiting now :type patch: :py:class:`.Patch` :return: The next(neighbour) patch :rtype: :py:class:`.Patch` .. hint:: An example:: return patch.add(LineDeletion.random(program)) """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_fitness(self, patch): """ Define the fitness value of the patch If you want to use original one(elapsed_time), simply call ``super()``. :param patch: The patch instacne :type patch: :py:class:`.Patch` :return: The fitness value """ return patch.test_result.elapsed_time
[docs] def run(self, warmup_reps=1, epoch=5, max_iter=100, timeout=15, result_parser=TestResult.pyggi_result_parser): """ It starts from a randomly generated candidate solution and iteratively moves to its neighbouring solution with a better fitness value by making small local changes to the candidate solution. :param int warmup_reps: The number of warming-up test runs to get the base fitness value. For some properties, non-functional properties in particular, fitness value cannot be fixed. In that case, the base fitness value should be acquired by averaging the fitness values of original program. :param int epoch: The total epoch :param int max_iter: The maximum iterations per epoch :param float timeout: The time limit of test run (unit: seconds) :param result_parser: The parser of test output (default: :py:meth:`.TestResult.pyggi_result_parser`) :type result_parser: None or callable((str, str), :py:class:`.TestResult`) :return: The result of searching(Time, Success, FitnessEval, CompileFailed, BestPatch) :rtype: dict(int, dict(str, )) """ warmup = list() empty_patch = Patch(self.program) for i in range(warmup_reps): empty_patch.run_test(result_parser=result_parser) warmup.append(self.get_fitness(empty_patch)) original_fitness = float(sum(warmup)) / len(warmup) "The fitness value of original program: {}".format(original_fitness)) result = {ep: dict() for ep in range(1, epoch + 1)}"Epoch\tIter\tFitness\tPatch") for cur_epoch in range(1, epoch + 1): best_patch = empty_patch best_fitness = original_fitness # Result Initilization result[cur_epoch]['BestPatch'] = None result[cur_epoch]['Success'] = False result[cur_epoch]['FitnessEval'] = 0 result[cur_epoch]['CompileFailed'] = 0 start = time.time() for cur_iter in range(1, max_iter + 1): patch = self.get_neighbour(best_patch.clone()) patch.run_test(timeout=timeout, result_parser=result_parser) result[cur_epoch]['FitnessEval'] += 1 if not patch.test_result.compiled: result[cur_epoch]['CompileFailed'] += 1 if not (patch.test_result.compiled and self.is_valid_patch(patch)):"{}\t{}\tnull\t{}".format(cur_epoch, cur_iter, patch)) continue fitness = self.get_fitness(patch) if not self.is_better_than_the_best(fitness, best_fitness):"{}\t{}\t{}\t{}".format(cur_epoch, cur_iter, fitness, patch)) continue"{}\t{}\t*{}\t{}".format(cur_epoch, cur_iter, fitness, patch)) best_fitness, best_patch = fitness, patch if self.stopping_criterion(cur_iter, patch): result[cur_epoch]['Success'] = True break result[cur_epoch]['Time'] = time.time() - start if best_patch: result[cur_epoch]['BestPatch'] = best_patch result[cur_epoch]['BestFitness'] = best_fitness return result